Monday, August 3, 2009

First day of school!

Last night, the girls got out all their new school supplies and packed everything up. They carefully and proudly laid out their new backpacks and outfits.

While we were out shopping on Saturday, Rian was having trouble finding a pair of shoes that she wanted and that fit right. All of a sudden she ran up to me with these awful looking things and said "MOM, LOOK. FANCY NANCY SHOES!!!" I said, "Do you want those?" And her reply was an enthusiastic "Yeah, she's only my favorite character!" So cute. They also each picked out their own new first day of school outfits. I think they did good!

Each of the kids then took their turn getting a father's blessing. That's the most still I've ever seen Jack sit without a tv in front of him! It was very sweet.

This morning, my alarm woke me up at 6:40, I wanted to have time for uninterrupted scripture and prayer before waking up the girls. But it must have also woken up Dakota because on my way back from the bathroom I glanced down the hall to see her already dressed and making her bed. I took a few minutes to get my stuff done and by the time I got to her room, she had her teeth and hair brushed and was on her way downstairs, ready to go. Rian took a little more effort but was excited to get up and going once she realized why I was trying so diligently to get her out of bed. It was actually Lucy sniffing and licking her face that finally did the trick!

Rian was a little nervous on the drive but that all went away as soon as we got to her classroom and she saw some of her old friends. They both have wonderful teachers and I am excited for them and their upcoming year.

I even had time to put together little treats for them to give to their teachers. I know, I'm a dork. But I thought they turned out very cute!


Judy said...'re not a dork!!!
(You're a brown noser!)

But they are very cute...way to go, mom!

brianne said...

Alisa! Those "treats" are SO adorable! Your daughters are beautiful and so WELL behaved (I can't believe Dakota was making her bed and you didn't even ask her!)

Megan said...

I LOVE the shoes!! Where did you find them?? Such cute girls! Are those candy bars? Great idea!

Are you loving that Summer is over!! :)

Judy said...

I was just looking at your blog again, and realized that your candy bar idea would be great for our missionaries birthdays. We recognize all the birthdays at each Zone conf...

Cameron Family said...

They were super easy. I just used what I had in my scrapbook stuff, just got lucky that I had ribbon that matched so well. They would make a cute little birthday gift.