Friday, August 28, 2009


Most mornings I will let the girls bring Lucy with us on our walk to the bus stop. It actually is such a sad thing to watch. As the girls walk away from her, she stands there... watching them... crying. Eventually she will turn around and walk back toward the house with me, but not before letting everyone know just how devastated she is.

I must walk up and down my stairs at least a dozen times throughout the day while the girls are at school. Most of the time Lucy just watches me, but somehow she knows when I'm coming down because IT IS TIME! Her very favorite time of day- they're almost home! As soon as she sees me coming, she runs to the laundry room where her leash is and starts her whining again.

I guess it makes perfect sense. I try not to have anything to do with her all day, and Jack chases her around with whatever form of torture is in his closest reach. So it seems about right that she would want the two people who love her the most to be home with her! And they feel the same way, it is very sweet!


Judy said...

Koty told me about your blog. That is sweet...she's turned out to be a nice pet. And animals are so much smarter than we give them credit for!

brianne said...

Oh that picture is SO SAD! I miss having a dog to love me. I need to get my own place so I can get one. Meanwhile...I think I want one of these:

Cameron Family said...

That is the weirdest animal I have ever seen! It would be just like you to come home with some bizarre creature like that Bree!