Wednesday, November 9, 2011

Growing Up Fast...Too Fast!

Jett Dayley

2 months~

3 months~

4 months~

5 months~

Fall Break Fun

We had a picnic at the park, lots of playdates, and a sleepover or two! Everyone (including yours truly!) was worn out by the end of the week. And on the last night of fall break, I let them crash on the family room couch. Ah...finally, peace and quiet!

Baby Brother

Rian has been wanting to learn to change Jett's diaper ever since he was born. In the end, she wasn't quite prepared for what was there though!

Jack just ADORES this baby! In fact, just this last Sunday in church he leaned over and whispered in his ear, "I love you baby Jett." And my heart melted.

Tub Time

Let's Eat!

Attempt #1- not well received...

Attempt #2- A little improvement...

Finally- give me more!!!

Jack Turns 5!

School Celebration with Star Wars cupcakes!

A Star Wars themed party with lots of friends, big screen movie, cake and presents.

Gifts sent from Grandma and Papa!

Winding down with his new Star Wars game after a long day of celebration!

Happy Birthday big boy!!!

First Day at Church as a Family of 6!

First Day of School

Rian-entering 4th grade, and Dakota- going into 6th grade. Or in other words...junior high! Ahhh!!!

Jack was less than thrilled about the prospect of starting school. In fact, for months I had been trying to get him excited about the idea. My efforts failed miserably. I thought it was ironic that Jack is my 3rd child to start school and yet it was the FIRST time I cried. Ironic also that he is by far the one I was most excited to start! He has been so bored, not having gone to preschool, and being the only child at home since he was a baby. I knew he would love it, I just knew it would take some time. So...he cried, he begged, he clung. It was horrible! A part of me wanted to scoop him up, take him home with me, and snuggle him all day! The teacher told me it would be best if I just gave him a little hug and left. So I did. I cried the whole way home. It took him a little less than 2 dreadful weeks, and he finally came around. He loves school now. He is excited to see his friends, and proud of all the things he is learning. He tested his teacher quite a bit in the beginning, but soon learned there was little he could get away with. He is doing so well, and I am extremely proud of him!

*Jack wouldn't pose for a picture before we left the house (since he was still refusing to go!), so I had to sneak my head in the door and snap this heartbreaking shot. Just after I did, he got up, started to cry again, and ended up being cuddled by his sweet teacher.

My only saving grace...the bus! If it wasn't for his love of riding the bus, I most likely would not have been able to get him to school that first week.