Monday, May 24, 2010

Boy, is he a boy!

Jack almost always has a stick in his hand. I don't know where he gets them, but I do know that he truly believes they are his swords...there to protect him and help him fight off monsters and all those crazy dinosaurs!
We loved that he fell asleep like this...

The condition of his feet say a lot about the day he had...

He is ALL BOY!


Judy said...

He is indeed! I love that he's still hanging on to that stick, even when he's asleep.

Brett said...

Yup - was not expecting to see a naked bum shot.

Cole & Trevor love sticks too. I learned the hard way after throwing out a few that were left on the mudroom floor. You would have thought that I killed their puppy.

brianne said...

Oh my crap. I love it. Good for him, those dinosaurs are dangerous.

What a cute tush!