Sunday, February 28, 2010

Little hands...

Dakota loves to draw, and the more she practices the better she gets! This is her latest creation, done completely copying or tracing. She loves to display her artwork all around the house. This one is currently taped to the wall next to her bed.

Jack enjoys coloring too! Only, if he can't find any paper, he just takes whatever form of ink he can get his hands on and takes it to the wall. This specific work of art is on the wall leading up the stairs. Beautiful!

The babysitters made this for Rian one night. She loved it so much she decided it needed to be displayed on the wall also. I thought that was kind of cute...until I noticed how she mounted it to the wall. Click on the picture to get a close up look. I believe you will see 7 NAILS around the outside of the paper, because apparently tape just wasn't sufficient enough. So my dilemma I leave the cute little picture (which of course isn't straight or centered!) or take it down and have 7 little holes in the wall?

All of these pictures remind me of a poem I first heard just before I had Dakota. I still love it, and it's perfect for reminding me that all of these cute little pieces of my children are what truly make our house a home.

There used to be so many
of my fingerprints to see,
on furniture and walls and things
from sticky, grubby me.
But if you stop and think a while
you'll see I'm growing fast,
these little moments will disappear
you can't bring back the past.
So here is a small reminder
to keep, not throw away,
of tiny hands and what they made
to make you smile someday.


Judy said...

I love this post! Your house is officially an Art Gallery!!!

On Jack's art word...409 (or is that three words...)

On Rian's contribution...the damage is already done...might as well enjoy it for awhile!

On Koty's...Wow, wow, wow! That is an amazing drawing of a horse. You'd better start a portfolio for her. Tell her I love it!!!

brianne said...

I don't understand. Dakota seriously drew that horse? SERIOUSLY?! It looks amazing. There are muscle lines and stuff. What the what?!

Also, my question is: how Rian got through hammering 7 nails in the wall without some adult noticing! That's fantastic!

brianne said...

...and that poem made me blubber a bit.

Brett said...

Dang... so glad my boys have not thought of nails yet.