Monday, September 22, 2008

It's Official...

Today I sent in my registration to compete in the Thanksgiving Day Triathlon. I'm actually really excited for it. I think it will be a huge accomplishment for me. I have started my training on a 13 week log my friend (& tri partner) Stacy found on the internet. So far so good. I try to keep track and continue to increase stamina, and decrease time. My goal for now is to finish in 70 minutes. That's a 15 minute 2 mile run, a 45 minute 12 mile bike & a 10 minute 400 meter swim. That's a reach, but I'm going to give it everything I have!


Beckie said...

That's great! I'll see you there! Actually I'll see your dust so you can cheer me on when I FINALLY get to the finish line.
Pass on the 13 week online training info. I could use all the help I can get!

Judy said...

I'm so proud of you...and so happy you're not a wimp like your mother!

Megan said...

Wish I could be there to cheer you on! That's such a great goal!

brianne said...

Youre crazy. I don't understand people who run for fun.

Todd said...

I forgot you were planning on doing this. Did you get a road bike? I just got a new Mtn Bike and am going to train for an XTerra-style Tri in spring. The swimming is kicking my butt. I think the only way I can swim 400 meters is if I grab onto the side after every 50 to catch my breath.

Cameron Family said...

I'm borrowing a bike from a friend. Still haven't gotten it yet so I've been training on a stationary. I have a love/hate relationship with swimming, but I feel like I'm getting stronger each time I go. Yesterday I did my swim in 8:24, my best time yet. What's an "Xterra style" tri? Off-road? That would be fun!

Todd said...

I have a love/hate relationship with swimming too. I love the first lap or 2... then I hate.

XTerra is offroad, yeah.
I'm gonna try their short course:
1/2 mile lake swim; 10 mile mountain bike; 2 1/2 mile trail run. They have a longer one for insane people.

They also have kids' courses that vary by age, but are really short.

I'm not looking for extra challenge... just don't want to track down a road bike.

Cameron Family said...

Yeah, a good tri bike will run you at least a grand. I can't even find a decent used one for under $600. So I'm going with a borrowed road bike, which sucks! I know a good tri bike would shed quite a few minutes off my bike time.

Stacy said...

I bet you can finish the tri in 70 minutes!! I am so excited (and nervous). It will certainly be an experience! I wish Dakota could have been in the kid's tri too. It was so exciting--she would have loved it!

Kari said...

I'll be happy to finish in 90 minutes!!! You will definitely be waiting for me at the finish line (if I ever get registered)!!