Monday, April 18, 2011


She later scored a goal, which doesn't happen too often for defenders, but of course I didn't have my camera on her at the time...ugh!


brianne said...

geeeeeeez. have fun NEVER having to pay for her college.

Judy said...

She's SO exciting to watch that. You must love watching her, and Dave must be so pleased. She does his number proud!

Cameron Family said...

This is from the limited film we do. We have never filmed more than 5 minutes of a game because of Jack or we are just trying to watch the game. I am going to film an entire game then you will be blown away. 1 or 2 times per game she will beat 4-5 kids in a row. It is awesome to watch.

Cameron Family said...

That last comment came from Dave, in case you couldn't tell :)