Monday, April 18, 2011


Dakota turns 11!

We started the day off with her favorite breakfast...French Toast.

(Can you pick out my non-morning child?)

I later picked Dakota up from school for lunch...Subway, her absolute favorite.

After school...presents, cake and ice cream.

Happy Birthday, sweet girl!

(I think for my next birthday, I will wish that my kids would STOP growing up so fast!)


Judy said...

I agree...I wish they could slow down at least until we get home. What a beautiful girl!

Unknown said...

I'm assuming Rian is your non-morning child?! lol.

Megan said...

I can't get over how much she has changed since I've seen her last. Gorgeous!!

Judy said...

I was looking at the morning picture again. I feel sorry for Rian...having to force feed herself french toast at the crack of dawn, just because its her sister's birthday. What a drag!