Tuesday, September 28, 2010

The family that plays together...

Jack's first rec practice as an Arizona Hammer! He was definitely excited, but also a little nervous to go out there without mom or dad. It didn't take long before he decided to just go for it! He loves to run around with all the other boys and is so excited to have his turn on the field!

Does this picture remind you of anyone??? ^^^

Rian in her first official competitive game! Despite her fears of being out there in front of all those parents, she played so hard and totally won over the hearts of the crowd.

Dakota's first game of the season. She is so fun to watch! She has set a great example for her sister and brother. Her drive and skills improve each time I watch her, and I can't wait to see what the future has in store for her!

1 comment:

Judy said...

Alisa...I wonder how many soccer games you've watched...and how many more you will watch! You might set a world record by the time you're done. I love seeing each of the kids playing!