Two very special nights out with some of my favorite girls!
Megan, Jacy and I had the amazing opportunity to go the SYTYCD tour stop here in Glendale. We made a day out of it; first shopping, then hanging at Jacy's and watching our favorite author on Oprah, then out to dinner before the show. An ENORMOUS thank you to my wonderful brother-in-law, Chris, for the tickets. And another HUGE thank you to my amazing husband for taking Jack to work with him, making it an entirely kid-free day!

Just 6 short days later, I went with 2 of my best gal-pals to see the midnight showing of New Moon! We had such a great time. Who would have thought sitting in a theater for 3 hours, waiting for a movie to start, would go by so fast??? We chatted away, ate LOTS of goodies and laughed endlessly at our juvenile obsession with this Twilight phenomenon!
I want a "Girls Night Out"!!! Looks like so much fun...even though you're over the top about "Twilight"...
Forever young, baby, forever young. You've got moxie, girl.
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