Today my kids made me laugh. All three of them, each in their own unique way.
Somehow managed to get herself in quite a predicament in music class. Its a long story, one I won't bore you with. I will tell you that I told her she needed to try and deal with it herself by talking to her teacher personally. She was too timid to do that, so instead she opted to write her teacher a note. Here is how it goes...
"In your email it said that some people were having the same trouble as I, well I guess they all got in a group together. I wasn't there that day so I'm stuck alone. I've managed to skip or make myself excused from MUSIC. By today I was hoping you could let me talk to Mrs. Reyes about it. If you can't help me I understand, but then you won't find me at school Wednesday! Dakota"
I'm not allowed to tell you who this came from, but I trust you can figure it out!Got a note from a boy in her class today. Here is how it goes...
Boy: "
Will you kiss me? NO or YES"Her response:
"Mabey when I grow up!"
To which he responds:
"On the playground when no body can see."
She asked him:
"Why do you like as love me?"
I guess that question baffled him because that was the end of the exchange!
Jack...I've posted before of my struggles to get him to nap. He plays for sometimes up to 3 hours in his room before either eventually falling asleep or me giving up on naptime when the girls get home and he hears them. Today I went to check on him, as I often do, to make sure he hasn't fallen asleep hanging from the blinds. He wasn't in his bed or anywhere on the floor, so I ran to my room hoping to find him asleep in my bed. Nope. I ran back to his room, a little panicky, and looked again. In the corner of my eye I saw red hair sticking out from behind the rocking chair. He had fallen asleep curled in a ball on the floor with his "Webkinz".

I should also mention that today Jack had his first outing in big boy underwear! He did well, no accidents, but I still don't completely trust him. He only didn't have one on in the first place because I didn't want to fight him on changing before we left the house :)