Tuesday, April 14, 2009

Two Wheelin' It!

Rian recently decided it was time for her to learn to ride a bike without the training wheels. Since she doesn't have a bike that fits her, Dakota happily handed hers over (with high hopes of getting her own new one). Just as we did with Dakota, we headed over to the park to give it a go on the grass. This worked well with Dakota, but Rian isn't quite as adventurous. She was too nervous, and didn't have any trust in myself or Dave.

She gave it her best effort anyhow. Go Rian!!!

However, I think this last picture says it all...

... and we haven't been back out since!


brianne said...

That last picture is amazing.

Judy said...

Funny stuff!!!

Todd said...

I agree... that last picture should be in an ad in a magazine or something. So awesome.

Cept for the orange crocs.