We stopped at a small motel in Fillmore to sleep on our first night of travel, then drove just a couple of hours to SLC on day 2. While there, we visited the BYU womens soccer facility and then headed over to Temple Square.

Who else but my son would fall into the fountain at Temple Square? He laid down on his tummy to splash his hands in the water and lost his balance. He was pretty freaked out and upset but it wasn't until Dave and I started taking pictures that he got REALLY mad!
The kids did so great on the trip. 2-1/2 days in the car and not one meltdown. The only fit from Jack came when we refused to buy him an icee at a late night convenience store potty stop.
We had an unexpected visitor this year. We lovingly named him RJ, after the lead raccoon in the movie "Over The Hedge". He wasn't at all scared of us and made several appearances.
We decided to take the kids on the ferry over to Seattle to get Fish-n-Chips at Ivars and do some souveneir shopping. It was a really fun afternoon for all of us.
Myself, Megan & Jacy on our way out to see Eclipse. Dave was the only man here at the time and he offered to stay with the kids while we went. Brownie points!

Our favorite playplace, BattlePoint Park, just one mile from the house.
This ends week one, but stay tuned for posts of our 4th of July celebration and CrabFest 2010!