Thursday, February 25, 2010

A Whole Decade!

Dakota's celebration began on Saturday with a birthday party with her friends. We originally planned to set up the projector in the backyard for an outdoor movie. So we cleaned it up, strung lights and marveled at our work...until it started pouring! We rolled with it and moved the "theater" to the garage, which we had cleaned and prepared just in case mother nature decided to invite herself! This plan ended up working out just as well.
The party started with gift opening while we waited for daddy to get home with the pizza. She scored some great stuff!

The pizza came just in time, and the girls ate quickly so that we could start the movie!

About half way through the movie, they decided they were ready for desert. Instead of a cake, this year Dakota decided she would rather have one of her other favorite treats...a HUGE ice cream sundae bar! Complete with oreos, nerds, gummy bears, peanuts, choc chips, m&m's, choc syrup and whipped cream. Some of the girls' creations literally made my stomach turn!

On Monday, I got Dakota out of school and took her out to lunch. We went to Subway and enjoyed some quality time together. That night we had our family celebration, because neither Dave or Dakota had soccer. We had more ice cream sundaes and Dakota opened her gifts. Grandma & papa sent an outfit from England, along with some spending money. Rian & Jack gave her a Zhu-Zhu pet, and Dave & I gave her an Ipod.
Happy Birthday, Dakota!


Judy said...

I can't believe she's so old. I still remember rocking her in the middle of the night when she was just a few days old. What a beautiful girl!

brianne said...

WHoa look at those skinny jeans! And an iPod!! These kids. That is all I have to say. THESE KIDS!! She looks BEAUTIFUL!

(PS. I sent her a bday email, will you make sure she got that?)

Judy said...

I picked those out, Bree! (and the shirt.)