Saturday, January 30, 2010

Grandma + Cousins = FUN!

A special time for us...time that went by WAY too fast!

We let the kids skip school on grandma's last day here. We went bowling, then had lunch at home before saying goodbye. One of the things mom had really missed since moving to England was a really good hamburger. So the kids had Happy Meals while us grown-ups enjoyed some In-N-Out, and it did not dissapoint!

A gutter ball proved to be too much for Jack to handle...
he got over it by his next turn, but wasn't completely happy with himself until he got a strike.

We also managed to get in some grown-up time...late night chats, and a GNO complete with shopping and dinner.


brianne said...

Thanks for all of those pictures. It is so fun to see mom with all the g-kids. Did Jack get a strike??

Judy said...

Hey Bree...I got 2 strikes, and 3 spares!!! I beat everyone! (Nevermind that my oldest opponent was nine years old...)

Cameron Family said... totally rocked it, much to our surprise :)

Bree, Jack got a spare, which he thought was a strike because all the pins were down. But you are aware that they use the gutter bumpers and a rail to send the ball straight on its way...kinda hard to NOT do well that way!

rebecca said...

Hey there:) I'm so glad to find your blog:) Since I am your visiting teacher, I think I need to keep up with you any way I can;) How fun for you to have your mom here:)

Megan said...

Those are some great memories to hold on to!! And great pics that I'm going to steal...