Dave & I have been married for 14 years. We have 4 beautiful children that make our lives both enriching & chaotic at the same time. Dakota is 11, & is our absolute people pleaser. Rian is 9, going on 17! Lastly, our ever so sweet & pleasant (LOL) Jack is 4 & Jett is a newborn.
There are so many "oh my gosh" moments in that video. Dave snowboarding on the sled with Jack=amazing. Jack's tantrum afterwards=even better! I don't know how Jack is still alive or how Max's back isn't broken.
Mom, Jack isn't crying because of the cold. He's crying because his father slammed him into the ground! It was only cold the first day, after that it wasn't even big coat cold.
Looks like lots of fun...but no wonder Jack is crying because of the cold...you don't even have a sweatshirt on him!
There are so many "oh my gosh" moments in that video. Dave snowboarding on the sled with Jack=amazing. Jack's tantrum afterwards=even better! I don't know how Jack is still alive or how Max's back isn't broken.
Mom, Jack isn't crying because of the cold. He's crying because his father slammed him into the ground! It was only cold the first day, after that it wasn't even big coat cold.
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