Monday, June 29, 2009

Rian's Birthday Celebration...

Our sweet Rian turned 7 yesterday!
She got lots of great gifts...
Webkinz, Art Kits, DS Games, clothes, and money!
We had cake and ice cream with the Shepherds.
Thanks for coming guys... it meant a lot to her!
On Saturday, we took the girls ice skating.
Dakota had been once before and was quite the pro...
It took Rian just a little help from mom and dad.
We then got a hold of one of these handy "walkers".
In no time at all she was much more comfortable.
She ditched the walker and went along
with just a tiny bit of balance help from us.
Way to go Rian! Happy Birthday sweet girl!


brianne said...

AHHH no no no! Not seven! Too old. She is SUCH a beautiful little girl. I'm sad that I didn't get to celebrate her birthday with her this year.

Judy said...

You think you're sad, Bree!?! This is probably her first birthday we've missed. Looks like she managed without times.

Slammer said...

Looks like you girls are having some fun.